Debra and Pam show warm hospitality to every guest by serving a delicious hot breakfast, piping hot coffee and good conversation all over a friendly breakfast table. We love to share with our guests the bounty from our organic gardens and berry farm. Debra is the baker - Pam prefers to get creative using the harvest that Brian brings in each day.
Homemade is always the best. Pam has lived all over the world and experienced many exotic cuisines. Put her in the kitchen and nothing comes out the same twice. But creativity rules and her homemade ice-cream flavors feature the garden harvest and world travels--classic strawberry, maple walnut, figs galore, blackberry, chocolate mint, salted caramel, polka mango, and even a vegan chocolate that you won't believe is vegan. Look for the ice cream option to pre-order when you book a cabin.

Another perk of being located in beautiful East Tennessee, is that we grow a lot of our own fruits & vegetables right here on site. "From farm to table" with love.
See you soon!
For more info about our Bed & Breakfast cabins visit
Photography by Brian Konutko