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To Live. To Learn. To Love.

Never ever underestimate what a small group of committed individuals can do. Ten months ago, I was consulting at another school when a volunteer there told me his ‘heart’ was in another place – The Olmalaika Home in Kenya. The founder, Kim is a classmate from Far Eastern Academy in Singapore. She, like me, grew up a missionary kid and never lost her deep connection to the country she grew up in.

But as things often go in developing countries, changing political climates often make agreements null and Kim found herself responsible for young girls without a home to call their own. 

Faced with the daunting task of coming up with the money to purchase land and build a home, Kim asked a small group of us to get involved.  Ten months later, I am so excited to say that the money has been raised and as I type this, the walls of the new home are up and the roof is going on!   A task that seemed so daunting is nearing completion because a few good people locked arms, used their influence to get others involved, and wrote gift checks to be sure these precious girls have a home and place of safety.

The brick and mortar of this effort is almost completed.  However, the ongoing care of the girls does not end.  So now Kim is putting into place practical opportunities to help the older girls who may not be able to go on to the universities learn trades that can provide them with a sustainable income.

Just a few weeks ago, I was so excited to receive a very kind care package from Kim with handmade soaps, body scrubs and moisturizers made and packaged at the Olmaliaka Home.  Ohhhhhhhh they smell so gooooood.  And they feel lovely too.

I am all for “buying local” but when an opportunity like this comes up to really make a direct difference in the life of a young girl who has already endured a lot, I just had to share.

We’ve got a small supply of these wonderful products here at Nolichuckey Bluffs in our gift shop, and can always get more too. You can email or call to get yours today.  <order now>


295 Kinser Park Lane

Greeneville, Tennessee, 37743, USA
Phone: 423.329.9633


Web Design, photography & video by Brian Konutko

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