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To Live. To Learn. To Love.

Updated: Feb 26, 2020

In between caring for guests and tending to Nolichuckey Bluffs B&B, I have tried to remain connected to the world of philanthropy and fundraising.  Sometimes a volunteer opportunity comes up that I just can’t leave be.  This was one of those times.  A classmate from Singapore and fellow missionary kid, Kim DeWitt, runs a home for girls in Kenya -

These are incredibly special girls who have either experienced or are at high risk of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). 

According to UNICE, every year more than 3 million girls worldwide are at high risk of FGM!  I had no idea it was so prevalent until I began doing research on the topic.  

Kim cares for 40 young girls’ year around and right now they are building a new home to safely house the girls ages 4-17 years. 

If you aren’t familiar with this human rights violation, you can learn about it at

You can purchase an angel for $3 and all proceeds go directly to help.  Or maybe you’d enjoy the note cards for $6 with the beautiful faces of these young ladies.  Pick these up at Gramma’s Cupboard or I’ll mail them to you.

The one modeling the angel earrings thanks you. 

Ya’ll come back now.

2 komentarze

Nola the Husky
Nola the Husky
07 sie 2019

Hi @trvlrs, thank you! You can at 295 Kinser Park Ln, Greeneville, Tennessee, 37743 . You can also email us at


06 sie 2019

We would love to have an angel. Do we send the money to you?


295 Kinser Park Lane

Greeneville, Tennessee, 37743, USA
Phone: 423.329.9633


Web Design, photography & video by Brian Konutko

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