Hotels are sleek but for the same amount you would spend on a room you can get a whole cabin at Nolichuckey Bluffs. And these are not just any cabins, they are fully equipped houses and some of them can even sleep up to 8 guests.
Check out the perks and amenities at Nolichuckey Bluffs Bed & Breakfast Cabins in Greeneville, TN.
1 Complimentary Home Made Breakfast
The breakfast buffet at Nolichuckey Bluffs is truly home made. Fresh home made bread and home made jams and jellies are the staple. The rest of the goodies rotate throughout the seasons and those can be cinnamon rolls, brownies, banana muffins, fruit pies, and so much more!
2 Bedrooms, living room, full kitchen & private porch
A hotel room of $110-$160 per night usually offers no more than a room for 2. But at the bluffs, that can get you a lot more. With different cabins offering different options you can easily find the one that best suits you.
3 Mountain & River view
Most cabins are right on the cliff overlooking the Nolichuckey River and the foothills of the Great Smokey Mountains.
4 Pet Friendly Stay
A lot of us animal lovers can't bare the thought of leaving our furry friends at home so why even try? All cabins at the Bluffs are pet friendly.
5 Nearby hiking trails
Some of the best hiking spots are only a 30 minute drive from the cabins, such as Margarette falls & Paint Creek.

Next time you're looking for a hotel in the Tri-cities area you might want to give Nolichuckey Bluffs Bed & Breakfast Cabins a call.